Music & Mental Health - Healthy Emotional Expression

" Music is powerful. As people listen to it, they can be affected. They respond. " -Ray Charles I for one, whole heartily believe this to be true. Music can help a person healthily express their emotions. Whether it be happiness, anger, sadness, or a mix of all these emotions there is a song somewhere in the world, that can help you cope with those emotions. When a person is at the worst point in their life, the right song can help bring that person's spirits up. Life is full of hardships that we all have to deal with, during these hard times, it's nice to feel supported by someone that feels the same way. With the words and structure of their music works, musicians and composers can convey emotions through the music they have created. Although the listener and the artists have never met it feels as if the artists are there with the listener, giving them a shoulder to lean on, telling the listener, you're not alone with these feelings and that it is okay to feel...