Music & Mental Health - Healthy Emotional Expression

"Music is powerful. As people listen to it, they can be affected. They respond.
-Ray Charles

I for one, whole heartily believe this to be true. Music can help a person healthily express their emotions. Whether it be happiness, anger, sadness, or a mix of all these emotions there is a song somewhere in the world, that can help you cope with those emotions. 

When a person is at the worst point in their life, the right song can help bring that person's spirits up. Life is full of hardships that we all have to deal with, during these hard times, it's nice to feel supported by someone that feels the same way. With the words and structure of their music works, musicians and composers can convey emotions through the music they have created. Although the listener and the artists have never met it feels as if the artists are there with the listener, giving them a shoulder to lean on, telling the listener, you're not alone with these feelings and that it is okay to feel this way. 

Music can also give the listener an empowering and uplifting feeling. Music has inspired people for years, all over the world, to go after something in life, to express oneself, no matter what you're feeling. It can give people the courage to go after that romantic interest, to go after that dream job, music can even inspire people to keep living when they feel like giving up on life. 

Research suggests that music can help improve our mental health, our emotional health, and even our physical health! Music can help improve your cognitive performance, your memory, and help you to fall asleep faster without you realizing it. Music can reduce stress levels, it can also inspire your motivation and your drive to accomplish ones' goals. The most obvious benefit music can produce would be the elevation of a person's mood, with this ability it is quite easy to see how music can help someone battle against depression.

 I have two songs that come to mind that I felt as if the artist was directly speaking to me, both songs encouraged me in different ways to overcome the situation I am faced with. Years later when I find myself in a similar predicament, I give those songs a listen, and it reminds me that I made it through this, once before, that I will survive this and whatever else life throws at me. 

Song Title: "Disappear (Remember When)"
Performed By: Issues
Composed By: Tyler Carter (Lead Vocalist)
Date of Release: February 17, 2014
Country of Origin: United States

I know I am not the only one that has suffered the loss of a loved one, and it truly is a horrible feeling to experience that everyone in life must face at one point or another. After the loss of my grandfather in 2016, I found this song and it helped me grieve the loss of my grandfather because the lyrics are the words I couldn't express myself. I felt the artists' pain because it was exactly how I was feeling at that moment in time. 

If you listen to the lyrics you'll be able to feel his anger and his denial about his loss, then his sadness about missing his loved one. The singer adds lyrics of bargaining to hold them just a moment longer in his arms throughout the song. The last of the lyrics show his acceptance of the loss and moving forward to make that person proud. The artist expresses all five stages of grief within this very emotional piece, reaching out to listeners in the same situation, reassuring the listeners they are not alone.

Songfacts® states:
"In October 2008, Rachel Reece was hit and killed by a drunk driver in Lula, Georgia. Rachel was Issues singer Tyler Carter's best friend, high school sweetheart, and singing partner. This song is a dedication to Rachel and it took him four days to write – the result of much soul-searching and dredging up of painful memories."

Tyler Carter, the lead singer, and the lyricist for this musical piece, with the help of his band members from Issues, brought this song to life with musicals elements, like form, beat, tempo, and the use of scales. The lyric form is organized somewhat familiar to what the general population is used to. The song begins with an intro section that opens to the first verse that leads to the chorus lines, onto a second verse before another set of chorus lines. Next comes a bridge section, before the last chorus lines that lead into the outro completing a very full composition of a great song. 

The beat & tempo are very prominent in this song. The beat starts right away very strongly and stays constant up until the slow outro. The tempo is very fast for most of the song, slowing in sections with the lyrics but ultimately slowing way down to finish the song out. The last musical element in this song that gave it such a great impact is the use of musical scales. The way the scales transpose the melody and notes to this song helps elevate the lyrics and the emotions the artist was feeling while going through this ordeal. 

No matter how many times I listen to this song, I still get emotional. But that's what I think Tyler was hoping for when he wrote this song. Something to help release these strong emotions that normally wouldn't be let go of so easily. I am very grateful to have found this song. 

I actually got a chance to see this band perform live in concert in Anchorage, Alaska at the Road to Warped Tour concert. At this event, there were about ten bands lined up to play, but I mainly came to see this band, Issues, because of this song. After seeing them perform and about 5 or 6 others bands, my friends and I decided to leave early, and we went to a restaurant for dinner. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked across the restaurant and seen the members of this band sitting at a table, having a drink after their set! 

The next time the waiter came around to our table, I told him I wanted to buy a round of drinks for that table. I watched as my waiter walked over, spoke for a second then he pointed to our table. Soon after their drinks came, they all wandered over to my table and sat with me and my friends to thank me for their drinks. Needless to say, I was starstruck. Before we left the restaurant, each band member autographed my hoodie and they secured a lifelong fan! 

Song Title: "I'm A Mess"
Performed By: Bebe Rexha
Composed By: Bebe Rexha, Justin Tranter, Jussifer, Meredith Brooks & Shelly Peikan
Date of Release: June 15, 2018
Country of Origin: United States

In July of 2018, I had to travel to Washington with my father, and that trip is now referred to as "the Hell Trip." Murphy's law was in full effect on this trip, anything and everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Before, during, and after this trip, I was battling some personal inner demons and was in the process of opening up to professionals. This trip had put so much stress and tension on me and everything I did to try and fix the situation, made it worse. I felt sad, defeated, and quite frankly, a mess. 

While stuck in traffic, alone in my rental car, feeling miserable about myself, I heard this song for the first time. I immediately could relate to if not all, but most of the lyrics of this track. I felt like I was no longer alone as if Bebe herself was in the car telling me, "everything is gonna be alright, everything is gonna be okay, it's gonna be a good, good life." A great wave of relief rushed over me, I somehow didn't feel so defeated, and all my insecurities didn't feel so heavy. I felt empowered to continue on this mission and to stay strong, for myself and my dad, who was depending on me after he became violently ill upon arrival. 

After the trip finally came to a much-anticipated end, my dad was feeling much better and gave me one of the biggest hugs, along with a very heartful 'thank you' and 'I am proud of you' talks I have ever had. (He's was no slouch before this all happened, however, this time was different than all the other times.) Now whenever I hear this song I can't help but feel pride for myself, and it reminds me of how strong I can be, no matter the obstacle in my way.

When this song was written they used three musical elements to help make this song succeed in popularity; Form, Melody, and Harmonic Textures. The form is a little unusual but I believe that helps grab the listener's attention. The song begins with the first verse, then straight into the pre-chorus before the first chorus lines. The pattern repeats itself with verse two, pre-chorus, then again, the chorus lines. Then finishing the song with a short bridge and then the chorus lines, one last time.  

The life and energy that can be felt from this song can be contributed to the melody. The melody consists of great patterns of the beat, tempo, scales, and rhythm to be accompanied with the lyrics to this song. The last musical element that is prevalent in this piece is the use of harmonic textures. Specifically, the use of homophonic textures. There are a lot of different layers of different sounds being played as the song progresses. There is a lot of sharp chord stabs with quite a bit of electronic instrumental fills but the sound always supports the melody from the lyrics. 

I was extremely grateful to have found this song when I did. It gave me a chance to release some emotions that I needed to express but due to traveling, I did not have my normal routine to express them. It gave me the power to push through all my insecurities till the end of that ordeal and all my hard work eventually did pay off. Bebe posted a short but simple description of the meaning of the song on her official Twitter account:

Now I am not a scientist or doctor by any means, but I do know after a good jam session, I feel all-around better. Especially, mentally and emotionally. Before this blog, I had no idea music can actually affect a person physically as well. As the saying goes, 'Music is good for the soul', now we have scientific proof that it does just that and more!


1.) Scientists Confirm Music Is Universal, and It Is Used In... | By Kashmira Gander & Rosie McCall | 11/ 21/2019 @ 2:00 PM EST | © 2021 | Newsweek Digital LLC

2.) The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music | By Kendra Cherry | Medically Reviewed By Daniel B. Block, MD | Updated on December 10, 2019 | © 2021 | About, Inc. (Dotdash)

3.) Disappear (Remember When) by Issues -Songfacts | By Songfacts Editors | © 2021 | Songfacts®, LLC

4.) Issues - Disappear (Remember When) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics | By Genius Media Editors | © 2021 | Genius Media Group, Inc.

5.) Bebe Rexha - I'm a Mess Lyrics | Genius Lyrics | By Genius Media Editors | © 2021 | Genius Media Group, Inc.

6.) Bebe Rexha (@ BebeRexha) / Twitter) / | By Verified Bebe Rexha Account | © 2021 | Twitter, Inc.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. Music sure does lift our spirits and help our moods. I did lose my daughter in 2009 and the enjoyed dancing and singing. The song I chose was the one she enjoyed dancing to with her dad. I enjoyed listening to your second song. Have a great summer break.

  2. I also believe that music can be a wonderful way to express one’s emotions, as well as help a person cope with them. Many people turn to music when they feel emotional. Whether they are composing their own, or just listening to it, they can get a lot of enjoyment out of it, and be able to move on. I know that listening to music can affect my mood; it can make me feel much better when I am upset, and can also make my mood plummet, depending on what I listen to. I would certainly agree that music can benefit one’s mental health, you just have to listen to the right songs. There is a song out there for any occasion, or any mood, and will usually make the listener feel better. Even if it doesn’t necessarily improve your mood, most people would rather be upset and listening to music, than just listening to themselves. Music is full of emotion and feeling, so it is easy for someone to relate to a particular song when they feel the way that the song sounds. The songs you chose are certainly full of emotion. The lyrics show this emotion, but so does the way that they are sung: really loud in Disappear, and with a rather uncaring tone in I’m a Mess. Both songs carry a hopeful message, that it will be okay, even if things seem bad. I found an interesting blog done by a woman who uses music as therapy for people’s mental health. It explaining some of the different ways people can interact with music, including different ways of interpreting it, playing it yourself, or just listening to it. Music provides a way for many people to address and discuss their emotions by discussing the way a particular song makes them feel. Here is the link in case you’re interested:

  3. I do agree, music is able to help us cope with things we do not how to express. My grandpa recently passed away back in January. My grandma just wanted to listen to music to keep her mind off of things. Which I thought was an amazing choice for her to do. The first song I actually like the beginning was very reminiscent of Korn. Then changed up half way through the song which was very interesting!


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